We offer several opportunities for members and visitors

 to participate in adult Bible classes.

After 9:00AM Sunday Service and fellowship 
Adult Bible classes are offered at church each Sunday from 10:30 to 11:30, currently we are studying the book of Revelation. Children’s Son and Fun Hour (Preschool-6th grade)  is offered at the same time, for the convenience of parents.  We are using Christ Light Sunday School lessons each week.

Youth Bible Class (6th-8th grade through teens) is held once a month, dates and times to be announced.  Dates and other events also to be announced.

Thursday Night Bible Study
In addition to our Bible class after the service every Sunday, we are also conducting a Bible Study on the book of Daniel on Thursday evenings at 6:30p.m. in the fellowship hall.  All are welcome at any time.

King’s Men
King’s Men is a Bible study provided for men. We encourage members and the community to join us as this group meets on the third Sunday of each month at the Princess Cafe in East Troy. Breakfast and discussion begins at 7:00am.

Women’s Bible Study Opportunities
During the school year, there is an afternoon Bible study offered to all women; members, visitors, and guests. Dates and times will be announced in September for our new study, ‘Leading a Life of Balance’ from the Women of Faith series.  Please contact Nancy for additional information (262-642-3202, weekday mornings).

On Wednesdays at 9:00AM during the school year there is a women’s Bible Study that meets in the conference room.   Currently, we are studying the book of ‘Romans, the People’s Bible’.  Information can be obtained by calling the school office at the same number listed above or the church office at 262-642-3200.  All women are invited to attend at anytime throughout the school year.