Name: Mary Anderson

Grades Taught: 2002-2005: Grades 3-4 head teacher; 2012-2018: Kindergarten head teacher; 2019-2022: AM 5K and 1st grade teacher/PM 1st and 2nd grade teacher; 2023:  currently Early Childhood Director; 4K and 5K Teacher

Education: Wisconsin Lutheran College graduate in 1999–BA in Elementary Education/Art Minor; Certified Early Childhood I and II; WI DPI Forever License in Early Childhood-Grade 6; ongoing continuing education courses;  completed WELS certification through MLC.

Hobbies and Interests: Art, theater, Christian contemporary music/worship, small group Bible study, Lutherans for Life, travel and spending time with my husband, two children and close family/friends

What you like most about being a teacher and called worker: I am so blessed to see the joy of faith in God grow within each and every one of my students when they believe in Jesus as their Savior. That faith is so freely given to all His children, by our gracious Father and God–what amazing and awesome love He so lavishly shows us all. And what an awesome blessing it is to watch my students then go and tell others about our great God and Savior!

Your message to parents considering St. Paul’s school: I am so grateful to be teaching at St. Paul’s. It is my pleasure and honor to be teaching each and every one of your amazing children–each a true masterpiece created by our saving God! With God’s help I will teach academic skills, show faith/emotional support to my students/their families and most of all share the joy that comes from knowing and trusting in our awesome God with all my students!