Power Hour
This is a program for young children ages 20 months through age 3 along with a parent. Younger siblings are welcome. It will run from 9:30 am to 10:30 am on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from November through April 1st. This free class will feature an art project, songs, stories, Wee Worship and time in the gym. To register you child you may send an e-mail directly to Mrs. Geuder at sarageuder@gmail.com. Provide your name, phone number, e-mail address and child’s name and age. This is open to anyone in the area so please spread the word.
Junior Choir
Our Junior Choir consists of St. Paul’s school children. The choir practices weekly during the regular school day and is lead by Wendy Graf. The choir performs at occasional worship services to share their talents in praise.
Piano Lessons
Piano lessons are offered to students privately during the regular school day for a small fee. The lessons are conducted in a private, one-on-one session and culminates with a piano recital in the spring.
Art Program
Throughout the year, the school children have the opportunity to work with a variety of mediums. An art fair known as ‘Fine Arts Frenzy’ is held each year to display the children’s projects for parents and visitors.
PTO – Parent Teacher Organization
Our Parent Teacher organization works to supplement and support our school by providing parent volunteers’ time, talents, and resources. Throughout the year, PTO provides our teachers with Teachers’ Shares, an allowance of funds that each teacher may use to purchase supplemental materials, help pay for field trip transportation, etc. PTO organizes concessions for home basketball games and supports the Athletic Department with the purchase of new supplies and uniforms when possible. The PTO helps support the school’s Art and Hot Lunch programs. A 50-page, full color, professionally printed yearbook is offered for our students to purchase at the end of the school year.
We participate in the Box Tops for Education program as well as the Sentry, We Care program. Proceeds from these programs have been utilized to assist in purchasing a security system for our school building and a ceiling-mounted LCD projector for several of our classrooms.
We support a variety of events throughout the school year. Family Night is provided annually, organized and supported entirely by PTO and parent volunteers. We also organize and host the Knights Junior Olympics as well as provide support for the grade school students’ end of the year field trip, preschool carnival, and graduation.
Hot Lunch
Hot Lunch is offered on select Fridays each month, by parent volunteers. Well-balanced meals are provided including Tacos/Nachos, Hamburgers, Chicken Sandwiches, Pizza and more. Hot Lunch days are are also school dress-up days with specific themes. This year hot lunch will be offered on the 3rd Friday of each month (except in February it will be on the 9th, as there is no school on the 16th) for the 2024-2025 school year (see the Menu Here). If you would like to volunteer to help with hot lunch, please sign up here: https://signup.com/go/fkYVNYL We also have Subway lunches once a month that are custom ordered by our students and staff.
Big Buddies/Little Buddies
Big Buddies & Little Buddies is a cooperative program between the preschool students and the students in the 7th & 8th grade classes. Each upper level student is paired with a preschool student for the duration of the school year. These Big Buddies assist their Little Buddies in dressing for snowy, winter days, sitting quietly during Children’s Chapel services, and making various projects throughout the year. At Christmas, each Big Buddy creates Christmas cards for our shut-ins as well as Valentines for them in February.