God’s love and grace welcome you,

no matter who you are, and so do we!

Our Purpose, Mission, and Vision

Our purpose is to utilize the true, inspired Word of God.  We nurture faith and strive to share the Law and Gospel with everyone.

Our mission: St. Paul’s Lutheran Church exists because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross for us, so we, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, seek to spread the true word of God within our community and throughout the world.

Our vision is to equip our members to be witnesses who go and tell, explore what the Bible says about prayer, utilize various methods of communication, strengthen the fellowship of the congregation, and demonstrate a living faith in the congregation, community, and the world.

Worship at St. Paul’s

Worship at St. Paul’s includes a mixture of contemporary and traditional worship styles, with a contemporary worship service on the first Sunday of each month. Often, St Paul’s is blessed with special musical additions from choirs, St. Paul’s students, Sunday School children, special guests, and more.  A typical worship service lasts about an hour.  Our services follow an Order of Worship, which an usher will hand to you as you walk in. St. Paul’s members typically come to worship in dressy casual clothing, however what you wear is not nearly as important as you being here…feel free to come as you are!

Our sermons are also available to watch online on our Facebook page or on our website.


At St. Paul’s, we are here to support you with our prayers through periods of struggle, and therefore welcome you to share your concerns with us so that we may include them in our prayers.  If you have a prayer request, email the Church Office or call (262)642-3200 prior to any of our worship services, so he can incorporate it into the prayers for the day.

The Lord’s Supper

The Lord’s Supper  is offered at most regular services. We believe that the Lord’s Supper is a gift from our Lord Jesus. That is why here at St. Paul’s we strive to administer this sacrament according to the clear teachings of God’s Word. We believe Jesus’ body and blood are present with the bread and wine in the sacrament and that receiving it together is a public statement of oneness in our beliefs and commitment. Wine is offered both in common cup and individual cups. We also have non-alcoholic grape juice for members who have health considerations. We also have gluten-free wafers available. If you have a small child with you, please feel free to bring them up to the Lord’s Supper with you to receive a blessing.

At St Paul’s, we practice “close” or “member” communion, meaning that we welcome those who are WELS members to partake in the Lord’s Supper with us. If you are a visitor from another WELS church and would like to participate in the Lord’s Supper, please notify an usher before the service begins. If you have any questions about our Lord’s Supper practice, please email the Church Office or call (262) 642-3200.



Jesus said “Let the little children come to me”. At St. Paul’s, children of all ages are welcome and encouraged to attend worship services with their parents. There are children’s coloring activities and books located in the back of the church. On the first Sunday of the month, an elder of the church gives a children’s message, and invites the children to come to the front of the church to participate.


St. Paul’s members give offerings to express their faith and trust in God. As a visitor, you are welcome but not obligated to give an offering.